Visa Cancellation-Parent

Required Documents:
+ Original Passport
+ Labour Card (Work Permit) copy (if available)
+ Original E-signature card of authorized signatory
+ Trade License copy
+ Labour Establishment Card copy
+ Immigration Establishment Card copy
+ Typed Application (Separate application for Labour & Immigration )

Labour Card Cancellation Fee: No Government fee for Labour Card Cancellation (Dh103+103 service charge to be paid) at Tas’heel Centre. 

 should be made through E-Dirham Card at Tas’heel Centre. You can Buy E-Dirham Card from any branch of National Bank of Abu Dhabi or from Aafaq Islamic Finance Company counter at Thas’heel branches.

Visa Cancellation Fee
: Dh103 to be paid through Noqodi Wallet of the same company.  Typing charge extra.
Company should have User ID and Password for GDRFA online program and cancellation can be done through typing centre without visiting Immigration counter.

 When you cancel through online, cancelled stamp is not necessary on the passport. It will show in the system.

Type Labour Card Cancellation application from Tas’heel Centre and put company seal. Signature of the sponsor will come through E-signature card punching. Fee at Tas’heel Centre Dh103.
+ Employee’s signature required on labour application under his statement I certify that i received all my dues and entitlements.

Employee’s Signature:
Employee should not sign before receiving his/her dues, if any.
+ Submit the signed form at Tas’heel Centre (Dh103 to be paid there).
+ Labour Card cancellation can be completed at Tas’heel Centre.

Visa Cancellation
+ Now cancel the visa through AMER Centre or GDRFA online program.
+ Visa cancellation fee at AMER Centre: Dh186 (if the applicant inside UAE)
Dh266 (if outside UAE)

 If your company has GDRFA online user ID & Password, you can do it through typing centre. Fee: Dh107 (typing charge extra)