Husband's Residence Visa sponsored by Wife-Dubai

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Nurses, Doctors, Engineers and Teachers can sponsor their husband on Residence Visa if she meets the following conditions:

+ Wife shall have a valid Employment visa.

Original Marriage Certificate attested by UAE Embassy in home country and Ministry of Foreign Affairs in UAE. For attestation requirements, Call: 04-252 22 22, 055-9105757.

Tenancy Contract (accommodation rental agreement) and Electricity Bill. Contract should be registered through Ejari online system of Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA). If you live out of Dubai, Municipality attested Tenancy Contract and Electricity bill are required.

+ Attested Educational Certificate (attestation from UAE Embassy in home country and UAE Foreign Affairs here).

+ Bank statement of last three months.

Colour passport copy of husband and one photograph with white background. 

+ Original Passport, Emirates ID, Bank Account Number (IBAN), Labour Contract/ Salary Certificate of Sponsor.

+ Salary shall not be less than Dh4000 or Dh3000 + accommodation. Labour Contract can be printed from Tas’heel Centre on payment of Dh53. Passport copy is enough for printing Labour Contract. No need attestation.

+ Dh2500 Deposit. This amount is refundable after visa cancellation.

Visa Application Fees: Dh389 to be paid at AMER Centre. If you are Government or Semi-government Staff, application Fees: Dh339.

Dh220 for file opening should be paid at AMER Centre.

- All charges, including Deposits, Guarantees, Courier and file opening fees will be processed through
AMER Centre. Refund can be processed only to the sponsor’s Bank Account. IBAN (International Bank Account Number) of the Sponsor (applicant) is required.

- Customers need to visit the immigration (GDRFA) only after the approval of their online application. Customer will receive SMS incase of approval, modification or rejection. White colour Visa will be mailed to applicant's E-mail address after approval. If you need pink colour visa, you can visit any GDRFA Dubai branch after receiving approval SMS. No extra fee. Passengers from some countries need pink colour visa for Emigration clearance.

To prepare your Family Visa application; call

Bur Dubai: 04-252 22 22, 055-9105757

Qusais (Al Nahda-2): 04-239 1302,
055 273 2295, 055-345 7829

Qusais (Al Nahda-2) Behind NMC Hospital: 056 8614786

Hor Al Anz: (Deira): 04-265 8373, 050-715 0562
Qusais (Damascus St): 04-258 6727, 054-300 5931

For Family visa service of all other emirates, call: 04-252 22 22, 055-9105757

For Collection & Delivery Service; call 055 273 2295, 055-345 7829

Immigration Help Line: 800 5111

If the wife's profession is other than the above mentioned, she can try through Humanitarian Case Committee at the Al Aweer Immigration Office,  if her salary is Dh20,000 or above.

+ If the husband is inside UAE on Visit/Tourist Visa or his previous visa cancelled, Dh1320 to be paid extra to change status (Dh680 to issue visa inside the country and Dh640 for status change). Typing charge extra.

+ Medical, Emirates ID & Visa Stamping to be completed within 60 days from the date of entry/Change Status,

+ For visa stamping (after entry), the following documents are required:

+ Original Passport, Visa and Medical Certificate of Husband
+ Emirates ID application
+ Original Passport, Emirates ID, Bank Account Number (IBAN), Tenancy Contract (Ejari), Electricity Bill & Labour Contract/ Salary Certificate of Sponsor.
Application Fee: Dh230 to be paid at Typing Centre, for one year (Service charge extra).
+ Dh100 extra for urgent
+ One photograph with white background (for Medical)
STEPS TO FOLLOW (For Visa Stamping After Entry):

Required Documents
+ Original Passport, Visa, and Medical Certificate of Husband.
+ Original Passport, Emirates ID, Bank Account Number (IBAN), Tenancy Contract (Ejari), Electricity Bill & Labour Contract/ Salary Certificate of Sponsor (wife).

+ Emirates ID application to be attached with Visa stamping form. Type Medical & ID application and go for Medical first, then do fingerprint at EIDA Centre near Medical Clinic (Al Baraha, Sonapur, Al Qouze). No need appointment for new visa holders.

+ Take Health Insurance.

+ After receiving Medical Report, submit visa stamping application through
AMER Centre.

+ After submission of online application, you will receive Approved message & Airway Bill Number through SMS within 24 hours.

+ Normal Application: Write Airway Bill Number on the Submission Receipt; Take it along with original passport to ZAJEL Courier office at Deira Main Post Office, behind MAX, Hamriya. You can collect visa stamped passport from the same office after two days.

If you are far from Deira
, you can call ZAJEL Courier on
800 21111 to pick your dependents' passport from your office/residence and deliver back the passport after stamping visa.

+ Urgent: After receiving Approved message, take the passport and submission Receipt to the nearest Immigration Branch and get your visa stamped same time. 24 Hour service available at Airport Terminal-3 Immigration counter.

Visa to be stamped within 60 days from the date of Entry/Status Change. If Late, Dh25 fine per day to be paid at
AMER Centre. First day fine Dh45.

+ Immigration Timing: Sunday to Thursday (7:30am to 8pm)


+ For visa Renewal, the following documents are required:

+ Original Passport, and Medical Certificate of Husband
+ Emirates ID application
+ Original Passport, Emirates ID, Bank Account Number (IBAN), Tenancy Contract (Ejari), Electricity Bill & Labour Contract/ Salary Certificate of Sponsor.
+ Take Health Insurance.
+ Application Fee: Dh389 should be paid at AMER Centre.

If the sponsor is Government or Semi-government Staff, application Fee: Dh339.
+ Dh80 extra for urgent
+ Dh2500 Deposit. This amount is refundable after visa cancellation.

+ One photograph with white background (for Medical)

Frequently Asked Question
Conditions for sponsoring husband and children
Q: I am an employee in a company with a salary of Dh10,000 plus accommodation, can I sponsor my husband, who is currently in Dubai on a visit visa, and my two sons? In case of visa approval for my family, can we proceed with the visa process here in the country without the need to leave the UAE for changing the visit visa to a resident visa? Can this type of visa be done for two years?

Four categories of women workers can sponsor family
A: The Dubai General Directorate for Residency and Foreigners Affairs requires the following:
1. The wife shall be an engineer, or doctor, or  teacher or a nurse.
2. The basic salary shall be either Dh4,000 or Dh3,000 plus accommodation.

If you work in other than the above listed professions, you shall make a petition to the department to exempt you from this requirement, thus, the said department will decide on this request and pass its resolution of acceptance or rejection. In case of acceptance, the basic salary in this case shall be Dh10,000 or Dh9,000 plus accommodation. Finally in case of the residence visa approval, you can do the new visa process in the UAE and there is no need to leave the country. This visa is issued for one year for husband and two years for children and is renewable. Children will get three years visa if you are working in a free zone or government or semi-government organization.

Immigration Branch Locations

Main Branch
Bur Dubai, Karama, Opposite Jafiliya Metro Station
Working Time:
7:30am - 6pm (Sun-Thu)
Immigration Call Centre  800 5111

Dubai International Airport (Terminal 3)
Gate No.2, Arrivals area
Phone: 04-707 5388
Timing: Around the clock, seven days a week (including holidays)
Services: All visa related services (including e-gate card)

DNATA Emirates Building
Near Clock Tower, Deira
Phone: 04-707 5946
(Dh25 extra service charge for each transaction)
Timing: 7:30 to 2:30pm

A'amal Center - Hyatt Regency
Hyatt Regency Hotel-Deira
Business Centre, First Floor
Phone: 04-707 5922
(Dh30 extra service charge for each transaction)
Timing: 8am to 2:30pm

Municipality Service Centre
Al Towar, Qusais, Opposite Al Towar Mall
Phone: 04-707 5162
Timing: 7:30 to 8pm

Bin Souqat Centre
Al Rashidiya
Phone: 04-
707 5939
Timing: 7:30 to 8pm

Arabian Centre
Mirdif / Al Mizhar
Phone: 04-707 5181
Timing: 7:30am - 8pm

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Tags: What are the documents required for husband's residence visa? I am a Nurse, can I sponsor my husband and children on residence visa? What is the salary criteria for sponsoring husband on residence visa? I have one bedroom flat in my name. Can I apply residence visa for my husband? My profession is Accountant and my salary is Dh15000, Am I eligible to apply residence visa for my children and husband? How much is the fees for husband's residence visa? What are the documents required for husband's residence visa? Do I need to present marriage certificate for my husband's residence visa? Is it mandatory to attest marriage certificate and Birth certificate for family visa? My husband is on visit / Tourist Visa. Can he change his visa to residence without exit? How much is the extra fees for changing visa inside country without exit?

UAE Employment Visa related service at Thiruvananthapuram. Our package includes: pick from your arrival point (Railway/Bus Stand), Accommodation, Medical (if required), Medical Certificate Attestation using our Credit Card without you standing in the queue, necessary guidance and drop at your travel point.

Maid Visa related Service: After completion of e-Migrate procedures at Indian Consulate/Embassy in UAE, we can arrange remaining procedures for Emigration clearance.
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